Development and Certification Services
Due to its experience, NewNote carries out the entire software development versions, integrations and management of certification processes with national and international entities. Our development capability makes NewNote an ideal partner in highly complex projects.

Technical Assistance
NewNote has its own teams for installation and maintenance at its customers’ premises with an installed capacity of 200k + POS, mPOS, SmartPOS in Portugal and Spain under direct management.

Centralised Help-Desk for 1st and 2nd line support and maintenance available 365 days a year with different types of associated service levels.

Maintenance Contract Management
NewNote provides technical assistance services everywhere in the entire Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain) using its own resource and teams, and geographic partnerships, ensuring quality support for all the products and solutions sold by NewNote. With various types of service levels and coverage, we ensure that our customers and the customers of the financial institutions receive high quality service with excellent indicators.

Repair Laboratory
All the equipment and solutions sold by NewNote are assisted, repaired and undergo reconditioning processes in the NewNote laboratory, by NewNote’s own teams, in a secure environment certified by the industry’s standards.